Download BT301 Assignment No 2 Spring 2020 Solution File Download

BT301 Assignment No 2 Spring 2020 Solution File.

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Assignment File of BT301 Assignment no 2 spring 2020.

Assignment No. 2
BT301–Introduction to Biotechnology
Spring 2020

Total Marks: 10
Due date: 28/07/2020


Make sure that you upload the solution file before due date. No assignment will be acceptable through e-mail after the due date. 

Formatting guidelines

Use the font style “Times New Roman” and font size “12”.
Compose your document in MS-Word, any file created in any format will not be accepted and marked zero.
Use black and blue font colors only. 

Solution guidelines

To solve this assignment, you should have good command over Topics.
This is not a group assignment, it is an individual assignment so be careful and avoid     copying others’ work
Give the answer according to question only and avoid irrelevant details. 

 Please note that your assignment will not be graded if:

It is submitted after due date
The file you uploaded does not open
The file you uploaded is copied from someone else
It is in some format other than .doc 
Cheating or copying of assignment from internet, ppt lessons or from each otheris strictly prohibited. The cheated or copied assignment will be marked ‘Zero’. 
Answers should be précised and clear, with no useless material.

Assignment topic

1. Write down five similarities and five differences between Plasmid and Cosmid(10 Marks)

For any query about the assignment, contact at
Note: Submit your solution through your lms account. Solutions submitted through email will not be acceptable.

BT301 Assignment No 2 Spring 2020 Solution File Download

BT301 Assignment No 2 Spring 2020 Solution File Download

BT301 Assignment No 2 Spring 2020 Solution File Download